DDP Moves to Courthouse Plaza SW

Mike ColvinFast Facts

The Downtown Dayton Partnership has officially moved to its new downtown home at 10 N. Ludlow Street. The office is located on the ninth floor of Courthouse Plaza SW in suite 901. The organization also recently shared its new logo. The DDP has traditionally changed office locations in conjunction with renewal periods of the Special Improvement District, but the move originally anticipated in 2020 was delayed.

“We’re very grateful for our many years spent at 10 W. Second Street, and are excited for this new chapter in Courthouse Plaza SW,” said Katie Meyer, president of the Downtown Dayton Partnership. “No matter where we are located, the DDP will continue to do all we can to support and strengthen our incredible downtown community.”

A dedicated office move committee and the DDP Board conducted a Site Seeker search to explore available options that fit the needs of the nonprofit. Anyone looking to move into a downtown location is encouraged to peruse available options and start a free and confidential search process on the Downtown Dayton Partnership website.

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